Todd grew up in one of the mainline Christian churches. He was “dedicated” into the Christian Church within days of birth, he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior at the age of 11 and was baptized the following week. Todd volunteers as the Communications Director and Life Groups at Morning Star Baptist Church in Alpine Wyoming.
Todd’s calling is to introduce Christ to those that don’t yet know Him. To help reprogram people burned by “religion”, cult churches or overt religious fundamentalism.
Todd has been associated with the Landscaping and Agricultural Industry since 1976. He has extensive experience as a Natural Resources Consultant to many clients and associations nationwide.
Todd and Holly, own and currently operate Green Turf Lawnscapes, Inc., a business Todd founded in 1984 and Wyoming’s Tree Experts he founded in 1997 serving Wyoming and Idaho. They are committed to caring for God’s lawns, trees and shrubs while ministering to their staff, clients, friends, and complete strangers when God arranges these “divine appointments”. There company mission is to glorify God in all their personal and business dealings.
Todd is also the founder and CEO of Yellowstone Compact & Commodities Corp., a manufacturing company that builds the piece of equipment he invented called the BioPac’r®. This product is sold to those in the waste management, turfgrass, livestock feeding and distillery industries in North America & Africa.
May God receive all the glory for their efforts.